Online K-12 Teacher License Renewal Courses

CEU Courses

Renew your SC teacher certificate with online CEU courses for teachers in South Carolina! Each class is a 10 hour self-study course (watch a quick FAQ video).

  • Start ANY Time
  • All ONLINE 24x7
  • No Textbook Needed
  • Includes ALL Content
  • Complete ANY Time over 1 year
  • Get a CEU from a regionally accredited university

  • Apps in the Classroom (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Successfully integrate iPads and apps to ensure higher levels of student engagement and learning. The pedagogy of using iPads in the classroom is presented, with ways for teachers to tap into recent app developments to fully examine their learning potential.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Assessment and Evaluation (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Successfully evaluate and assess the various facets of your teaching practice by seamlessly integrating the Common Core State Standards along with effective formative assessments and productive reflection practices. The approaches presented here equip teachers to make accurate assessments of their students’ learning needs and levels, and then plan targeted interventions based on the results, culminating in greater student achievement.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Bullying and Suicide Prevention in Schools (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Topics: Bullying Prevention, Policies, School Safety, Suicide Prevention, Emergency Protocols and more. Healthy classroom and school communities are the foundation of an effective learning environment where students feel safe and can focus on education and growth. What are ways in which teachers can help students to learn communication skills, and be both assertive and compassionate? How can we teach students to respect and treat classmates as equals? This online PD course for teachers is full of intervention ideas, policies and protocols for schools to adopt, emergency plans that can be put in place at school, and other strategies to make classrooms safe and welcoming for all students.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Classroom Management (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Manage the various facets of teaching responsibilities efficiently, by seamlessly integrating the common core and curriculum standards into instruction, enforcing positive behavior interventions, and utilizing the physical classroom space to complement teaching. The strategies presented here build on extensive research, real experiences of teachers, observations of hundreds of classrooms and the most innovative ideas in practice; to enable teachers to manage their classrooms effectively and thus optimize students’ learning experiences.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Communication in the Integrated Classroom (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Communication and environmental modifications, are some of the main obstacles that teachers face while integrating students with disabilities into the regular classroom. This course teaches assistive communication strategies, as well as instructional ideas to build communication skills. It also explores the concepts behind environmental and sensory modifications, especially in reference to Autism.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Core Academic Intervention (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Explore successful strategies to make interventions in teaching practices, including effective ways to evaluate and examine students’ performances, with the ultimate goal of enhancing students’ mastery of the Common Core Standards.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Cultural Competency and Reflective Teaching (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    This cultural competency and responsiveness training helps teachers assess their own cultural lens and examine potential bias that impacts the classroom framework with equitable sensitivity to all learners across languages, genders, religions, races, cultural backgrounds, and special needs.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Developing Cognition Skills (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Discover methods for detecting weak cognitive skills in students and strategies to strengthen such skills.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Differentiated Instruction (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Better understand gifted and talented education by learning how to identify, instruct and assess these students.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Digital Learning Strategies (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Educators today have to prepare themselves to teach in a variety of dynamic contexts including in-person at a classroom, as well as in an online environment. This course on digital learning strategies will help teachers gain confidence in using a range of tools to present information, engage with students, and assess performance using technology. Teachers will learn skills that help them teach online including understanding learning management systems, and other classroom engagement tools. Explore new strategies to present and engage with content thru virtual field trips. As teachers build these skills, they prepare to teach in a range of hybrid and online learning contexts.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Digital Technology in the Classroom (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Using technology to help students achieve specific classroom goals can be a challenge, not only because of the sheer variety of tools, but also because of innumerable safety concerns. Technology tools and video resources in the classroom can be used to help students grasp key concepts, retain information, and enjoy learning. This course is designed to help teachers learn to use existing videos as well as record, edit, create, embed and share their own video lectures in the classroom. It looks at a range of mobile technology apps and assesses their safety. Full of strategies, tutorials, and tips- this course, gives teachers resources that they implement right away.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Enhancing Classroom Instruction (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Equip teachers with essential tools and successful strategies to integrate common core instruction and reflective practices to enhance their instruction and benefit students’ learning.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Enhancing the Classroom Learning Environment (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Create effective learning environments for your students by focusing on engaging bulletin board design and meaningful parent relationships.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Ethical Behaviors in Education (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Bring and maintain high standards of ethics into our schools. Includes a variety of topics to explore practical ways of addressing ethical decisions in our lives. We all have an innate ethical sense that urges us to make choices. Most people believe that their actions are guided by logic and reason. The information tools provided here are focused on enabling teachers to broaden their understanding of ethical issues while at the same time helping them to better understand the ideas of others.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Facilitated Learning Strategies (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    A teacher’s day is full of tasks including guiding students, organizing classroom activities, monitoring behavior, maximizing learning outcomes, designing lesson plans and assessing student work. It can be overwhelming and challenging. This course provides teachers with practical tips to manage their stress, organize assessments, arrange classroom environments, plan activities and coordinate events. The section on rubrics helps make assessment effective, individualized and easy. Printable templates, web tools, sample rubrics and ready-to-use resources help teachers bring effectivity and organization into daily schedules.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Integrated Classrooms (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Make teaching ALL students a real possibility, by acquiring an in-depth understanding of Individualized Education Programs (IEP) and implementing Universal Design of Learning (UDL) frameworks, where learners’ strategic and affective networks are considered to determine the best teaching methods.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Integrated Curriculum (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Successfully address a range of mathematics and STEM learning needs with strategies designed to benefit teachers at various levels of expertise, in the successful integration of STEM and CCSS into classroom learning.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Learning Strategies for the 21st Century (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Transform teaching practice through Inquiry-based, Collaborative learning climate within classrooms. Building on a strong research base, teachers are empowered to understand and implement effective practices of investigative learning and collaboration, incorporating technology to reach the 21st century learner most effectively.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Preparing Students for College and Careers (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Transform your students’ learning experience by equipping them to be truly ‘college and career ready’, in today’s world. Using the tools and strategies provided in this course, teachers can equip students with skills like Project Management, enabling them to make a successful transition to university and work environments.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Reading Resilience (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Reading and writing are crucial skills, not just within the confines of a classroom, but in life. The ability to read helps children communicate, comprehend their course curricula, become independent learners, and have access to career opportunities.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Reading Strategies for All Teachers (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Equips teachers to support student learning through better reading and comprehension across the curriculum and grade levels.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Research-based Curriculum and Instruction (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Empower students by implementing novel ideas in curriculum development, within classrooms. With this framework, teachers are equipped to integrate research-based instructional strategies with successful curriculum development practices, that cater to teachers’ own professional development as well as students’ learning needs.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • School Mental Health (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Create and maintain safe learning environments for students with trauma-informed teaching strategies. Learn how trauma and bullying impacts learning behaviors, and the strategies they can adopt to help students regulate their emotions, build resilience, and thrive both within and beyond the classroom.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Standards in Teaching (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Untangle what turns out to be the not-so-mysterious language of today’s teaching and learning and put successful strategies, including the Common Core, into practice.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Student Safety and the Technology-rich Classroom (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Discover ways in children’s safety is threatened in today’s world, and learn strategies that can help keep students safe, through a range of resources, signs, characteristics, scenarios, and indicators of threats.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Supporting Special Needs in the Classroom (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Equip yourself with a basic understanding of the warning signs of early-onset mental illness as well as ideas and successful strategies to work with affected students. Gain confidence in accommodating students with ADHD, and other students who are energetic, hyperactive or have difficulty paying attention.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Teachers in Leadership (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Transform teaching practice by using strategies like action research and school-wide initiatives to explore the intricacies of the educational context, and implement corresponding, well-designed interventions for holistic change. The approaches presented here allow teachers to build professional learning communities, enhance school improvement, and is an excellent way to prioritize student learning.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Teaching English Learners (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Improve cross-cultural understanding and examine cultural influences on school practices while coming away with greater insight on how second languages are acquired.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Teaching with Internet Technology (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Gain confidence in navigating the Internet and using technology in teaching and learning, by exploring the concepts and ideas behind using technology in the classroom, to understand the skills needed to use technology to support learning most effectively.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Technology in Learning (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    Explore how you can use technology to enhance students’ competence in reading and ‘flip’ your classroom to expand learning experiences. Through a wealth of resources, educators are empowered to create efficient technology-integrated classrooms, while collaborating effectively with students and educators.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • The Art and Science of Reading (1 CEU - Ashland University)
    From systematic phonics instruction, to multisensory strategies, vocabulary techniques and content approaches, this course is full of ideas teachers can use in any classroom. Personality, interests, environments and learning styles all play a role in learning and building reading skills.
    $99 for 1 CEU
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access

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