Online K-12 Teacher License Renewal Courses

Technology for Today's Classroom (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)

Technology for Today's Classroom (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)

This course enables safe implementation of technology in classrooms and promotes effective learning.

The first section presents tools, techniques, and resources to advance technology skills.

The second section discusses integrating technology in a way that promotes learning without being a distraction.

The third section stresses the need to protect students from possible dangers in the online world.

This integrated course helps educators gain an extensive outlook on using technology effectively and safely.

Online semester graduate PD credit courses help teachers complete continuing education requirements.

  • Start ANY Time
  • All ONLINE 24 x 7
  • Regionally Accredited
  • 1 semester Graduate PD Credit Courses
  • A-F Grading
  • No Textbook Needed
  • Includes ALL Content
  • 1 Year Access
  • Official Transcript in Approximately 1 Month
    After completing the course, you will be directed to the university for registration.

  • It is a good review of how we as teachers can integrate more technology into our classrooms.
    Alyssa B.
  • This class in particular had a lot of really great tools that I took notes and will explore further to integrate into our new asynchronous teaching environment.  Thank you for this!
    Kristen C.
  • Thank you for this class. I was struggling to find a course that covered technology for recertification. This class had everything I need.
    Evalynn M.
  • I liked the descriptions of each type of technology that you can use in the classroom. Quite a lot of it was new to me, like the use of blogging and live binders in the classroom. It gave me a lot of ideas that I can use to incorporate these things into my classroom.
    Denise D.
  • Technology Today was an excellent on-line course. It was very informative, and I learned about new technology issues happening in this world today. It was very easy to continue where I left off. I would recommend this program to others. Thank You.
    Bernadette B.
  • Lots of great ideas for how to incorporate tech into class lessons! I had never thought of using some of the tools talked about in this course but are excited to try some out!
    Kenley B.
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