North Dakota
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Start now, select online courses for North Dakota teachers . . .- Pay $665 Today
Pay $330 University Credit
Total Price = $995 - Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - We all know the brain plays a major role in learning, but few are aware of how. In a class where each child differs in ability to learn, it is essential that educators know how the brain is related to the process of learning, in order to help facilitate student performance. Such knowledge will also give the educator an advantage when faced with the challenge of teaching a child with special needs. This course equips educators with extensive knowledge about the process of learning.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Teachers are equipped to transform their classrooms into cohesive learning communities, through this online course. The course begins with Classroom Collaboration where educators come to understand the importance of the teacher’s role in creating an environment where young people are willing and able to work collaboratively. Teachers are taught to recognize, appropriately handle and make accommodations, for diagnosable mental health issues among students. The course helps teachers understand that they play a valuable role, and can help save a life, by learning about the prevalence of suicide; understanding suicide and how it may be prevented.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - The strategies in this course help educators understand the influence second language acquisition has on learning and how to promote effective interaction between ELL students and their classmates. Teachers learn how expected behaviors within a classroom should be taught through consistent responses and positive reinforcement.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - As teachers, we often experience a myriad of ethical dilemmas every day in the classroom, and it can often be challenging to navigate them effectively. The Ethics in Education course provides teachers with an ethical foundation to analyze real-world scenarios, develop insights to make informed decisions in the classroom, and foster a positive learning environment for their students. Whether you are a seasoned educator or just starting on your teaching journey, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to address the many ethical challenges in today’s educational landscape.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Teaching students with special needs can be both rewarding and challenging, even on the best of days. Students with disabilities (SWD) have unique requirements, learning preferences, strengths, and social skills. This course explores a range of special needs, how they manifest in the classroom—including neurodevelopmental conditions like ASD and ADHD. Differences in communication for children with such conditions, as well as their common struggles and challenges are discussed.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - This course will help teachers to maximize their classroom budget and raise funds for innovative ideas and projects. Teachers will learn to create effective budgets, write grants and create fundraising campaigns while connecting with community stakeholders to support educational endeavors in the classroom.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Teaching amongst the technological advances of the 21st century, brings with it unique challenges of combining education and theory with classroom practice. This three part course is designed to provide teachers the background knowledge and resources they require to use research findings to enhance their students’ learning. The course covers Research Based Instructional Strategies, which focuses on strategies teachers can use to channel research findings to improve their quality of instruction. Curriculum Development equips teachers to create effective, yet practical unit and lesson plans that equip students to learn more efficiently. The course also focuses on enabling teachers organize their teaching plans, work-life balance and the various aspects of their classroom.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Learning as a community of educators, and from each other is one of the best ways teachers can find encouragement, inspiration and support as they maneuver everyday challenges in the classroom. This course explores research-based strategies in peer teaching and professional development adopted and embraced by schools across the country.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Academic achievement has become an important benchmark in education. This course is full of strategies and educational practices that can help improve academic achievement. In addition to classroom tools and ideas, this online course helps teachers analyze student work to identify gaps in their teaching and helps raise academic scores by establishing a culture of inquiry.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Reading should be a meaningful activity that is focused on comprehension and that results in understanding. When students struggle with a specific subject matter the underlying reason is usually also identified as under developed reading skills. The strategies in this course are imperative for all educators to help their students become proficient readers. This course helps teachers understand how to assess reading skills in the classroom and plan instruction accordingly. It also equips educators to empower their students with confidence when handling tough text. Teachers also learn how to act as a facilitator for small groups for guided reading.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - In an age where there are multiple approaches to teaching and educating students, it becomes important to ensure that a particular standard is maintained. This class helps educators achieve goals, while empowering you with skills and tools to deliver the best of quality education. Standards and Communications in Teaching is a three part integrated course that highlights various strategies for facilitating student learning and improving academic achievement. It also focuses on positive communication, both with students and parents, in order to achieve excellence in education.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Every student is unique and has different needs, learning levels and abilities. As teachers, it is certainly challenging to teach each and every student effectively. This online course presents reaching students with special needs as a real possibility. It prepares teachers to plan for IEPs (Individualized Education Plans), reveals the Universal Design of Learning framework, and shares Assistive Communication tools and technologies to help all students attain their maximum educational potential.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - This course lays out explicit, sequential, and systematic approaches to reading instruction from developing students’ early reading skills and phonemic awareness to helping every child become a competent reader, regardless of their current reading level or learning condition. This must-have course for teachers is full of multisensory instruction strategies and explicit intervention techniques, video demos and downloadable templates.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - The strength of an educational institution lies in its leadership, educators and students. This online course is rich in content that highlights changes or initiatives that can be implemented to improve student learning and encourage school improvement. Teachers taking this class can explore strategies for improving their public speaking skills and in turn, facilitate improved communication with audiences.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - TOPICS: Delivering content online, assessment through collaboration and engagement, planning and safety considerations, digital reading technologies, technology supported reading, collaborative reading through technology, planning a virtual field trip, virtual field trip resources, conducting a virtual field trip, online PD for teachers.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - We live in a technologically advanced world. But, for teachers, the hallmark question is to understand how we can effectively use this technology to enhance student learning in the classroom. This online course will shine light on the multi-faceted uses of technology in the classroom. Teachers will learn how to choose technology for the classroom, be techno-savvy especially in the use of iPads and how to flip a traditional classroom to one with innovative instructional methods designed for enhancing student learning.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - As educators, we all face situations where we accommodate students with special needs in our classrooms. In such situations, how can we modulate our teaching to ensure that we reach each and every child? This course is designed to help educators encourage and maximize each child’s potential. Terms like Autism, ADHD, learning disability and gifted learners are being constantly used. What do they mean? What makes these children unique? And most importantly, how as an educator can you enhance these students’ learning ability? These are questions that are answered in this course.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Visuals in the classroom enable both showing and telling. Today, visuals are at par with words in daily communication. Using bulletin boards is not a new teaching idea but this course delves into the details of creating effective and attractive classroom visuals. Teachers look at creating different types of visuals to ensure student participation.Pay $140 today
Pay $55 university credit
Total Price = $195 - Assessment is a key aspect of teaching methodologies. It helps teachers monitor their students’ progress over time, identify the strengths and weaknesses in their understanding and skills, evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching practices and curriculum materials, and inform important educational decisions. It is not without its challenges: time constraints and the need to avoid biases in student evaluations and align them with standards can make it difficult for teachers to properly assess their students. The new research on the Science of Reading (SoR) is shaping literacy education across the country. As teachers start using these approaches to instruction, we need assessments that align to those approaches. This course introduces reading assessments in all areas of the Science of Reading.Pay $340 today
Pay $165 university credit
Total Price = $505 - Mastery of instructional practices in reading provides teachers with the necessary tools to deliver high-quality instruction. New research on the Science of Reading (SoR) is shaping how schools are approaching literacy education. Emphasis on explicit and systematic teaching methods is now a core aspect of teaching students to read. By understanding these methodologies and strategies, teachers create engaging and effective lessons that cater to the diverse needs of all students. Proficiency in reading is also foundational to academic success across all subjects. When teachers hone their evidence-based structured literacy practices, they can better support students in developing essential literacy skills, which are fundamental for comprehension, critical thinking, and communication.Pay $340 today
Pay $165 university credit
Total Price = $505 - Content area reading and writing enables students to engage with subject-specific materials effectively. By developing strong reading comprehension and writing skills, children can better understand complex concepts and theories, and think critically about the information they encounter. The new research on the Science of Reading (SoR) is shaping how we teach students to understand content across subject areas. This course is a spotlight on reading comprehension and vocabulary instruction across subjects.Pay $340 today
Pay $165 university credit
Total Price = $505 - Reading is a crucial life skill: it equips children with the ability to communicate, think critically, navigate the world independently, access information, and acquire knowledge from multiple sources. Effective reading instruction is based on a range of needs, the complexity of language, developmental variation among students, continual assessment and adjustment. In this course, educators learn to implement evidence-based structured literacy practices that can transform students into master readers. The course provides an overall understanding of Science of Reading (SoR) and how it influences the classroom with a focus on systematic and phonetic reading instruction.Pay $340 today
Pay $165 university credit
Total Price = $505
Graduate PD Credit
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