Online K-12 Teacher License Renewal Courses


Easy steps for maintaining and renewing a KY teaching certificate and applying for a rank change in Kentucky:

  1. Get information about state renewal requirements and the staff professional development process for teachers in KY. Professional Learning Board is an approved remediation ethics provider in Kentucky.

  2. Find and take classes online for teachers:
  3. Approved Remediation Courses (watch a quick video)
    Get a Certificate of Completion.
    Semester Graduate Credit (watch a quick video)
    Get an official transcript from a regionally accredited university.

  4. Record hours
    Free PD tracker included at no cost with all courses.

  5. Save or submit your total hours for renewal or rank change.
Start now, select online courses for Kentucky teachers . . . 


  • Accommodating All Students Package (25 Hours)
    Topics: Accommodations, Adaptations, Differentiation, IEPs, Cognitive Skills Testing, Training, Documentation, Learning Challenges, Universal Design for Learning and more. In this online course package, teachers are provided with a range of strategies for accommodation, modification, and adaptation of curriculum, materials, and instruction, to appropriately meet the varied needs of students in the classroom. The frameworks provided build on research findings that show how a learner’s level of recognition, strategic, and affective networks can all be taken into account to determine the best way to teach and reach learners Teachers will be shown effective methods to detect students who may have weak cognitive skills, identify tools to strengthen cognition, and implement a Universal Design of Learning (UDL) within the classroom.
    $155 for 25 Hours
    SAVE $40!
    5 Courses (5 hours each)
  • Hybrid Teaching Package (30 Hours)
    TOPICS: How to Teach Online for the Classroom Teacher, Apps in Education, Flipped Classrooms, Partnering with Parents, Internet Safety, Technology Basics, Technology for Teaching Online, Virtual Classrooms, Distance Learning, Blended Learning
    $180 for 30 Hours
    SAVE $54!
    6 Courses (5 hours each)
  • AI in Education (1 Hour)
    Artificial Intelligence is transforming education. AI helps teachers with grading, assessment, individualizing, lecturing, proctoring, curriculum planning, and more. Still a work in progress, AI can be utilized best by understanding its many features, benefits, and challenges. This course helps teachers learn about AI's transformational technology capabilities and explore possibilities to strengthen teaching—and learning—making it both more efficient and accessible. The Artificial Intelligence in Education course is a must-have for teachers everywhere.
    FREE for 1 Hour
    1 Certificate
    1 Year Access
  • Accommodating All Learners (5 Hours)
    Addressing accommodation, modification, and adaptation of curriculum, materials, and instruction to appropriately meet the needs of teachers and a variety of students. This online course for teachers may meet state requirements to renew a teaching license. Check with your state department of education.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Accommodations through UDL (5 Hours)
    Make teaching ALL students a very real possibility with the Universal Design of Learning (UDL) framework. This structure builds on research findings that show how a single teaching approach has very limited results on student learning and highlights the need for a new curricular approach in which a learner’s level of recognition, strategic, and affective networks are all taken into account to determine the best means of teaching.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Action Research for School Improvement (5 Hours)
    This course is designed to equip teachers to initiate action research for potential areas of improvement in a classroom or at the school level. Through this course, teachers will be able to learn how to go about each step of the action research process from selecting the area of focus, gathering and interpreting data, setting up an action plan, and finally presenting the findings in order to help others.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Assessment Strategies (5 Hours)
    Assessment is an essential part of learning. It helps teachers and students determine to what extent education goals are being met. This course familiarizes teachers with the strategies and methods that are available to help make assessments meaningful and useful tools.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Bullying: Prevention and Policies for Schools (5 Hours)
    The goal of this course is to help teachers understand the different aspects of bullying and to provide recommended strategies and techniques to deal with both victims and bullies.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Child Abuse Prevention (5 Hours)
    Teachers will be introduced to the basics and fundamental facts of child abuse and neglect, its types, indicators and risk factors. The course primarily aims at educating teachers on the abuse, its legal implications and the legislative statutes addressing them in their role as mandatory reporters.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Classroom Collaboration (5 Hours)
    Explore the benefits of using teamwork as a key element in K-12 classrooms, along with successful strategies to involve students in the various aspects of collaborative instruction. Building on a strong research base, this course empowers teachers to understand and implement effective practices of collaboration in their own classrooms.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Classroom Management for Positive Behaviors (5 Hours)
    Students from all backgrounds, temperaments, and abilities should have access to a classroom ambience that is conducive to their learning. Positive Behavior Management helps educators transform challenging behavior, systemically and individually, to create such an environment. Learn evidence‐based Positive Behavior Intervention Solutions (PBIS) practices to identify and eliminate triggers in the classroom, encourage positive behaviors, and give students individualized care and support. This proactive PBIS approach, with three tiers of interventions, can strengthen students’ relationships, improve their communication skill, and circumvent conflict.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Classroom Organization for the 21st Century (5 Hours)
    Effective classroom organization aids teachers as they strive to make their lives and classrooms more structured and a lot less stressful. The ideas in this course present effective ways for teachers to be organized with practical steps in planning enabling teachers to avoid last minute time crunches.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Cognitive Skills - Understanding Learning Challenges (5 Hours)
    Discover methods for detecting students with weak cognitive skills and tools to strengthen those skills. Teachers will receive understanding, as well as ways to apply development techniques in the classroom. The online class is fun and interactive and includes information about new brain research and how it can impact today’s classrooms.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Cultural Competency and Responsive Teaching (5 Hours)
    This cultural competency and responsiveness training helps teachers assess their own cultural lens and examine potential bias that impacts the classroom framework with equitable sensitivity to all learners across languages, genders, religions, races, cultural backgrounds, and special needs.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Differentiation for Gifted Learners in the Classroom (5 Hours)
    Better understand gifted and talented education by learning how to identify, instruct and assess these students. Explore related topics, issues, and resources geared towards our gifted population.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • English Language Learners in the Classroom (5 Hours)
    Create a welcoming environment that ensures English Language Learners thrive educationally through the integration of useful research based strategies that promote student engagement with the lessons and curriculum.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Ethical Conduct in Education (5 Hours)
    Ethics may seem like an abstract concept, and yet it’s practical, relevant and a critical part of a teacher’s professional life. Explore how you can grow in ethics in the areas of academic excellence, boundaries and academic integrity. From protocols for social media, reporting abuse, transference and plagiarism, this course explores issues where ethics and education meet. It is full of practical strategies, resources and guidelines for teachers to reflect on and implement in their particular teaching situations.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Ethical Decision Making (5 Hours)
    Making ethical decisions in the classroom can be challenging and strenuous. It is not always easy to determine what is right or wrong, especially since ethics and morality are based on more than what is socially acceptable or personally preferred. This Ethical Decision Making course includes a consistent framework for educators to use for determining the best ethical decision. By following the process for making ethical decisions, teachers have guidance and structure even when a matter seems conflicting.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Ethics for Education Professionals (5 Hours)
    Bring and maintain high standards of ethics into our schools. Includes a variety of topics to explore practical ways of addressing ethical decisions in our lives.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Examining and Evaluating Student Work (5 Hours)
    Understand effective and dynamic methods by which teachers can assess student work. Learn to examine student work through a process of intentional reflection with other teachers. Engage with other teachers on improving educational practices through critical evaluation of student work samples.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Formative Assessment (5 Hours)
    Respond to the needs of students and shape instruction through the use of formative assessments. Learn about and implement formative assessments in your school to discover and demonstrate for yourself, your students and your community what happens when a school moves in this direction and you know students are truly learning.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • How to Teach Online for the Classroom Teacher (5 Hours)
    In this course, teachers go through the process of preparing to teach online while also being introduced to tools and resources that can be useful when teaching online. Classroom teachers can quickly transition to becoming effective online teachers.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • IEPs: Documentation and Implementation for Teachers (5 Hours)
    The goal of this course is to help teachers understand the IEP process and build the teachers comfort level in developing, aligning with and carrying out the IEP through rich examples and templates to help teachers understand and practically use the recommended strategies in a classroom setting.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Introduction to Autism (5 Hours)
    Autism impacts a student’s ability to communicate, form social skills, and manage sensory challenges often affecting their academic potential and learning style in the classroom. A person with autism may experience thinking, remembering events, reacting and communicating in a unique way. In this course, educators will find tried and tested strategies, tips, real-life examples and insights to create more inclusive classroom and help students on the autism spectrum thrive.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Partnering with Parents (5 Hours)
    Bridge communication gaps with useful strategies to employ while facing common challenging situations in working with parents.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Peer Review of Teaching (5 Hours)
    Aimed at propelling teachers toward growth and improvement, this course presents peer review as an easy-to-apply model of wholesome teacher evaluation. Teachers will be equipped with practical strategies and tools so they can engage in systematic assessment of teaching performance.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Recognition of Early-onset Mental Health Illness in Children & Adolescents (5 Hours)
    Provides a basic understanding of warning signs of early-onset mental illness in children and adolescents as well as ideas and strategies that help teachers work with students.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Suicide Prevention (5 Hours)
    Teachers will learn to identify possible early signs of suicide and be introduced to tools that may be helpful to students. Creative activities and strategies can help promote safe classroom environments. The course also encourages teachers to work together with their school in initiating and implementing school-wide policies and programs on suicide prevention.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Teacher Coaching (5 Hours)
    Information and skills essential to the process of Cognitive/Peer Coaching in their school. Learn about the process of Cognitive Coaching, the roles and responsibilities of the coach and the coachee and how to implement this process in your school, reaping multiple benefits for the school, teachers and students.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Transformative Classroom Management (5 Hours)
    Smart teachers struggle with classroom management. Skilled teachers elect to use strategies that create more problems than they solve. This course focuses on proven ideas that when used, work.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Understanding ADHD (5 Hours)
    Gain confidence in not only accommodating students with ADHD, but also other students who are energetic, hyperactive or have difficulty paying attention.
    $39 for 5 Hours
    1 Certificate
    5 Year Access
  • Academic Interventions (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    This course introduces teachers to STEM and student-centered learning to create and implement a standards-based curriculum. Teachers are then able to customize and differentiate curriculum for each learner acting more as facilitators, coaches and mentors.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Child Abuse Prevention (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Protecting children is the role and responsibility of every teacher. Educators taking this course examine professional behaviors and boundaries while becoming aware of red flags that might indicate a child is being abused.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Classroom Management for All Teachers (1 semester credit - University of North Dakota)
    Teachers today play several different roles—they are guides, mentors, managers, and facilitators. They are not only responsible for the academic growth of their students but also create positive learning environments that enable every child to thrive, both intellectually and socially.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Cognitive Skills Understanding Learning Challenges (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    We all know the brain plays a major role in learning, but few are aware of how. In a class where each child differs in ability to learn, it is essential that educators know how the brain is related to the process of learning, in order to help facilitate student performance. Such knowledge will also give the educator an advantage when faced with the challenge of teaching a child with special needs. This course equips educators with extensive knowledge about the process of learning.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Cohesive Classroom Communities (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Teachers are equipped to transform their classrooms into cohesive learning communities, through this online course. The course begins with Classroom Collaboration where educators come to understand the importance of the teacher’s role in creating an environment where young people are willing and able to work collaboratively. Teachers are taught to recognize, appropriately handle and make accommodations, for diagnosable mental health issues among students. The course helps teachers understand that they play a valuable role, and can help save a life, by learning about the prevalence of suicide; understanding suicide and how it may be prevented.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • ELL & ESL Instructional Strategies (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    The strategies in this course help educators understand the influence second language acquisition has on learning and how to promote effective interaction between ELL students and their classmates. Teachers learn how expected behaviors within a classroom should be taught through consistent responses and positive reinforcement.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Ethics in Education (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    As teachers, we often experience a myriad of ethical dilemmas every day in the classroom, and it can often be challenging to navigate them effectively. The Ethics in Education course provides teachers with an ethical foundation to analyze real-world scenarios, develop insights to make informed decisions in the classroom, and foster a positive learning environment for their students. Whether you are a seasoned educator or just starting on your teaching journey, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to address the many ethical challenges in today’s educational landscape.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities (1 semester credit - University of North Dakota)
    Teaching students with special needs can be both rewarding and challenging, even on the best of days. Students with disabilities (SWD) have unique requirements, learning preferences, strengths, and social skills. This course explores a range of special needs, how they manifest in the classroom—including neurodevelopmental conditions like ASD and ADHD. Differences in communication for children with such conditions, as well as their common struggles and challenges are discussed.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Money for Classrooms (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    This course will help teachers to maximize their classroom budget and raise funds for innovative ideas and projects. Teachers will learn to create effective budgets, write grants and create fundraising campaigns while connecting with community stakeholders to support educational endeavors in the classroom.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Pedagogy Essentials (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Teaching amongst the technological advances of the 21st century, brings with it unique challenges of combining education and theory with classroom practice. This three part course is designed to provide teachers the background knowledge and resources they require to use research findings to enhance their students’ learning. The course covers Research Based Instructional Strategies, which focuses on strategies teachers can use to channel research findings to improve their quality of instruction. Curriculum Development equips teachers to create effective, yet practical unit and lesson plans that equip students to learn more efficiently. The course also focuses on enabling teachers organize their teaching plans, work-life balance and the various aspects of their classroom.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Peer Coaching and Evaluation (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Learning as a community of educators, and from each other is one of the best ways teachers can find encouragement, inspiration and support as they maneuver everyday challenges in the classroom. This course explores research-based strategies in peer teaching and professional development adopted and embraced by schools across the country.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Preparing College Ready and Career-bound Students (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Prepare students for a successful future in college and careers. This online course suggests an approach to overall development of the student from elementary through high school that can help students become college ready and successful in their careers.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Raising Academic Achievement (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Academic achievement has become an important benchmark in education. This course is full of strategies and educational practices that can help improve academic achievement. In addition to classroom tools and ideas, this online course helps teachers analyze student work to identify gaps in their teaching and helps raise academic scores by establishing a culture of inquiry.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Reading Across the Curriculum (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Reading should be a meaningful activity that is focused on comprehension and that results in understanding. When students struggle with a specific subject matter the underlying reason is usually also identified as under developed reading skills. The strategies in this course are imperative for all educators to help their students become proficient readers. This course helps teachers understand how to assess reading skills in the classroom and plan instruction accordingly. It also equips educators to empower their students with confidence when handling tough text. Teachers also learn how to act as a facilitator for small groups for guided reading.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Standards and Communications in Teaching (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    In an age where there are multiple approaches to teaching and educating students, it becomes important to ensure that a particular standard is maintained. This class helps educators achieve goals, while empowering you with skills and tools to deliver the best of quality education. Standards and Communications in Teaching is a three part integrated course that highlights various strategies for facilitating student learning and improving academic achievement. It also focuses on positive communication, both with students and parents, in order to achieve excellence in education.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Standards in the Classroom (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Teachers in this course explore approaches to instruction, assessment and evaluation that they can implement in their classroom. This course focuses on practices teachers can use to promote student motivation and self-learning while decreasing and eliminating behavior issues.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Students with Disabilities (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    Every student is unique and has different needs, learning levels and abilities. As teachers, it is certainly challenging to teach each and every student effectively. This online course presents reaching students with special needs as a real possibility. It prepares teachers to plan for IEPs (Individualized Education Plans), reveals the Universal Design of Learning framework, and shares Assistive Communication tools and technologies to help all students attain their maximum educational potential.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Systematic and Phonemic Reading Instruction (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    This course lays out explicit, sequential, and systematic approaches to reading instruction from developing students’ early reading skills and phonemic awareness to helping every child become a competent reader, regardless of their current reading level or learning condition. This must-have course for teachers is full of multisensory instruction strategies and explicit intervention techniques, video demos and downloadable templates.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195
  • Teachers in Leadership (1 Graduate Professional Development Credit - University of North Dakota)
    The strength of an educational institution lies in its leadership, educators and students. This online course is rich in content that highlights changes or initiatives that can be implemented to improve student learning and encourage school improvement. Teachers taking this class can explore strategies for improving their public speaking skills and in turn, facilitate improved communication with audiences.
    Pay $140 today
    Pay $55 university credit
    Total Price = $195

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