Accommodating All Students Package (25 Hours)
Each classroom comes with a range of students with varied needs, learning levels and abilities. Teachers are faced with the challenge of teaching a diverse group the same lesson and ensuring that they all learn well. It can be easy to settle for teaching some, or even most of the students, while leaving out a portion of the class in the process.
In this online course package, teachers are provided with a range of strategies like accommodation, modification, and adaptation of curriculum, materials, and instruction, to appropriately meet the varied needs of students in the classroom.
The Accommodating All Students Package includes 5 self-study courses (5 hours each) for a total of 25 hours of professional development.
Accommodating All Students Package (25 hours)
# Hours
Accommodating All Learners |
Accommodations through UDL |
Cognitive Skills - Understanding Learning Challenges |
Differentiation for Gifted Learners in the Classroom
IEPs: Documentation and Implementation for Teachers
Online self-study PD classes help teachers complete continuing education and renewal requirements.
- Start ANY Time
- All ONLINE 24x7
- No Textbook Needed
- Includes ALL Content
- Complete ANY Time over 5 years
- Receive a Certificate of Completion for each course
Rebecka R.
Jill F.
Wendy S.
Rita O.
Manahalla A.